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4 Ways BIM Can Boost Productivity of Your Construction Business

Mike Parsons1501 15-Jan-2019

Building information modeling (BIM) is the management of all the information regarding the construction project in a digital tool. The biggest misconception about this concept lies in the idea that this is merely a 2D or 3D modeling that’s meant for an architect or a contractor to see the project before works actually start. What they don’t understand is the fact that it features so much more and offers a contractor to see the project in ways they would otherwise be unable to do. With that in mind and without further ado, here are five ways BIM can boost productivity for your construction business.

4 Ways BIM Can Boost Productivity of Your Construction Business

1. More than just a model

The first thing that everyone will notice is a visual representation. However, instead of just being able to see the properties of construction elements, you also get an opportunity to see features like light and the interaction of the object with surrounding geometric details. In other words, it gives you an opportunity to see what the building will, not only look like when finished but also how it would act. This can save you from a potentially expensive mistake that can, this way, be spotted early on.

2. Accurate time estimate

The problem with estimates regarding the completion time of the project, this is something that a human bias can easily taint, thus making it much less accurate than it could be. With the efficient BIM system, you should have no such problems. Seeing as how a potent BIM tool has the opportunity to foresee many different variables, it can, pretty accurately, make an estimate of various delays, as well. Due to the fact that time is a finite resource. Every delay costs you, as well, especially if you have to pay fines or prolong leases on rental equipment. With the help of BIM provided by Cadgroup, you gain a detailed insight into every single stage of the project.

3. Security

The most important thing about the BIM and similar software is the fact that it provides you with a higher level of structural security. This means that there’s a smaller risk for property and life-loss than there would be without it. This alone would be worth any investment made, due to the fact that benefits go past material. Not to mention that it would take an incredible investment of effort (in terms of work hours, equipment and materials) and expense to fix a mistake that you could just have avoided if you had an opportunity.

4 Ways BIM Can Boost Productivity of Your Construction Business

4. Saving money

Efficiency is the name of the game and by using a BIM you can see exactly how much money you need to invest in the project. Sure, no tool, no matter how sophisticated, can help you make an exact estimate. This is due to the fact that material waste depends on the situation and even the skill of the team, which are factors so specific that no tool could ever analyze them completely. Nonetheless, with the help of the BIM, you can get the closest possible estimate. This alone can immensely help you out with budgeting, as well as help you get prepared ahead of time.

In conclusion

As you can see, this boost in productivity comes in many different forms and from many different sides. Each of the above-listed factors would be enough for you to invest in a reliable BIM, yet, when put together, they stand to show that making this move is something mandatory. 

Mike is an Australian business consulting specialist. He’s working with companies that outsource their IT maintenance. He often writes about technology, business and marketing and is a regular contributor on several sites.

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